1. Local history collection of the Németh László Municipal Library. In a broad sense, it collects all materials related to the town of Vásárhely. Thus, books and documents related to natural conditions (soil and climate, flora and fauna), economic life (industry, agriculture, trade, finance), transport, services, society, politics, health, environmental protection, science and art, ethnography, literature, education are all included in the collection. In addition to the prominent representatives of literature, science, art and the economy who were born in the area, those who are linked to the town by a certain phase of their activity or a significant event in their life (Attila József, György Kohán, László Németh) are also considered local people, so the collection of writings about them is also part of the local history work. Among them, special attention is paid to the eponym, László Németh, whose cult is one of their main tasks.
2. Tamás Isépy’s library in the Németh László Gimnázium in Hódmezővásárhely. His collection can be compared to a public library in the city, where you can find answers to all the reference questions in the social sciences through books. In essence, the collection contains almost all the books produced in Hungary between 1960 and 1980 in the humanities.
3. The library of the Bethlen Gábor Reformed High School. The Reformed grammar school in Hódmezővásárhely has been teaching continuously since 1723. After the XVI-XVII centuries, this denomination organised the School next to the Church. The role of the Reformed school in the history of education needs only to be mentioned: it was a Hungarian and European school, which transmitted faith and knowledge. Europe was immediately brought within its walls by the Peregrinus, who returned home with a book under his arm, and proclaimed with the same justifiable pride as Janus Pannonius once did, that books were no longer only growing in the land of Italy, but that the latest intellectual currents of Europe were also known on the shores of Lake Hod: „This school could not have seen Minerva before it, / Tóth Pál lured it here with his generous donations. / Now that the Helvetii and the Dutch have sent him home / To the land of Pannonia in good health / He has shown his former goodwill / According to his object and deed, here with this serious book.”
The figure of the Reformed pastor of Szőnyi Benjámin from vásárhely stands out among the 18th century. The ethos of the grammar school is defined by the fact that from September 1945 to 1948 László Németh was its teacher from 1948 to December 1948. It was here that he carried out his pedagogical experiments and formulated his ideas on teaching, and in 1957 he donated the sum of his Kossuth Prize to the development of the library. The school, which was founded as a particle of the Debrecen College, has developed organically since the 18th century, so the collection reflects the influence of Protestantism’s intellectual currents and school culture. It has fortunately escaped the ravages of history and was not destroyed by nationalisation: the thousands of theology faculty members remain intact.